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Is it posible for this plugin to take a screenshot and then use the image on the save?

Like Visual Novels do, I just want to ask, I want to use this Plugin

Just downloaded and used this but did notice you had pan as "100" in the code I set it back to zero but this might be helpful for you or other people that download this plugin.


oooh neeed this for mz so bad


will you make this for MZ too?

...will you?

(18 edits)

Hello! This plugin is absolutely amazing and full of potential! I’m currently using ‘Custom Text’ option in general section to make unique titles for each save slot! (by putting one actor’s nickname as ‘slot title’)

But I also have some trouble to deal with.

When deleting a save slot right after deleting another slot, I’m getting an error, saying ‘Cannot read property ‘open’ of undefined

Though, everything goes well if not deleting one right after another.

The situation is like:

select slot1 -> select delete -> (slot1 deleted) -> select slot2 -> select delete -> ERROR

select slot1 -> select delete -> (slot1 deleted) -> back to main title -> select load -> select slot2 -> select delete -> (slot2 delete)

(I saw people on RPGMaker forum reported similar troubles. They’re also using v1.4.5. Seems something to do with plugin compatibility?)

Besides, can I disable the command window completely?

Choosing command while everytime saving/loading the game is not necessary. I prefer more simplified experiences like the one of RM’s original save menu:

When selecting a slot on save screen, save/override immediately.

When selecting a slot on load screen, load immediately.

The ‘Cannot read property ‘open’ of undefined’ issue is fixed in v1.4.7. Thank you!

Hello, if you want to remove the command window, it would need some modifications to the code. I can show you how, but you need to bring your request to either the forum plugin thread, or my discord channel, cause isn't very convenient for troubleshooting code.

Also, note that if you go that way, players won't be able to delete save file from in game, and won't be able to load a game from the 'save' menu (when accessing the save scene from main menu while in game). In addition, removing the command window might interfere with some other features of the plugin...


(6 edits)

Thanks for the plugin but i have a problem. Everything in Status Section  wont show in saved files. How to fix please? Also how to add number of golds and steps. Im a bit confuse in the instruction in adding them.  Can you explain it in simple instruction? Im not good at script

And one last thing. How to change "yes" and "no" option to "Yes" and "No"

Hello, the plugin isn't easy to setup. Please read the instructions or consult the plugin thread on the forum. Thank you.

I manage to  solve my status section issue. Gold and step not good. Thanks ill move to the thread

Hey, Northern Frog!

A simple question.  Is there a way to change the "file 1"  on the save slot screen?

I would like to name it "Manual save".  Because the Auto save is called "Auto Save"

Looks a bit better and might be understood more by the player.


Hello, change the text at line 3460 in the plugin file.


Perfect! Tank You!

Hey, Northern Frog!

I'm currently testing out my game in a exe file that was made in Enigma Virtual Box.

You're script is the first and hopefully the last that showed a problem.

When the player saves at a save-station the save doesn't work.

when switching maps the autosave also states : Autosave failed...

I think it might be due to admin rights and all that in my own system but I'm not sure.

I've placed the exe on different locations including my C. 

but still no luck...

Do you have any idea why I cannot save when I exported my game into an exe file?

When test playing it with the rpg maker mv engine itself it works just fine.

any thoughts?

Tank you in advance!



I know nothing about Enigma Virtual Box and what it actually does  to the game files... But what I can tell is that my plugin have been tested several times on deployed MV projects, both on PC and Mac, by me and many other users. And of course, saving game usually works (that's kind of the main feature of the plugin).

Beside, it's hard for me to tell what exactly happen here, cause even though my plugin heavily change the save scene and its behavior, when it come to actually save the game data, it use the default save methods of the core script...

What you could do first is providing a little more details about the 'bug', like you said save doesn't work; does the game crash on saving? Or it does like it is saving (playing the save sound and all), but doesn't change the save slot? Or it play the 'buzzer' sound when trying to save?

Also, you might want to try to delete my plugin from your project, deploy your project and turn it into .exe file with Virtual Box, and see if you can save a game file from the default scene.

I would like to help, but I'm kind of clueless right now...



(2 edits)

I just made an installer with Astrum Instalwizard. installed my game. Still same problem percists... Because my initial thought was because Enigma makes the whole game directory into one exe file. So now with the Instal wizard I have an instal directory on my sytem where the save file could go to.

The moment u click on the save button the popup comes up save now yes or no. when clicking yes the button sounds like a cancel and it doesnt save either... the other windows go away but the confirm button stays up.

It's weird that everything works fine in the playtest but not like this.  As I intend to release the game this crucial step has to work^^

I just did what you said: instal the game without your save plugin and the problem is still there...

Apologies for assuming the fault was with your script. 

AND now I just tried running the game as administator and I can save! lol

Glad to here that. I look forward seeing your game ;)


I will probably first release a demo or intro before releasing the full game (on Steam). A story based game with atmospheric drama set in space : Beyond/Behind Gravity (Title is not set in stone yet)

hi I’m getting an error which is “TypeError: Failed to execute ‘createLinearGradient’ on ‘CanvasRenderingContext2D’: The provided double value is non-finite. at Bitmap.gradientFillRect (rpg_core.js: 1289) at Bitmap.gradientFillRect (YEP_CoreEngine.js: 1014) at Window_SavefileList.drawRectFill (TSR_Save.js: 3856) at Window_SavefileList.drawRect (TSR_Save.js: 3848) at Window_SavefileList.drawLine (TSR_Save.js: 3757) at Window_SavefileList.drawSavedOn (TSR_Save.js: 3708) at Window_SavefileList.drawGeneral (TSR_Save.js: 3565) at Window_SavefileList.drawContents (TSR_Save.js: 3519) at Window_SavefileList.drawItem (TSR_Save.js: 3414) at Window_SavefileList.Window_Selectable.drawAllItems (rpg_windows.js: 1256) console.error @ Alpha_ABS_build.js: 4259 “

Could you help me, I was seeing that it only happens if I put sections and add things to the general list

it is urgent :(

your answer would be much appreciated

Hello. First time anyone report this bug. You need to give more details about what other plugins you're using and in what order they are in the plugin manager. Also, what are the 'things' you're trying to add to the general list. Also you need to check if bug occurs when you add 'things' to general section (which is always present), OR when you add other sections.

And finally, my itchio account isn't the right platform for support.  It would be better if you could post your problem in the RPG Web forum thread of the plugin:

Or pm me on the RPG Web forum.

Or contact me on discord.

It is fixed, I just had to put it on top, sorry for the inconvenience and good plugin c:

Glad to hear that.

Good luck with your project!

The invitation to the discord expired xd, could you pass it to me again? I have quite a few questions if it’s not a bother