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is it possible i could get an early early version of this before the icon implantation. it works exactly like i want however it displays certain icons that other plugins hide for some reason and I really only need the colors so that would fix my issue

Hello! Sorry to bother you again, i was setting the icon in menu, title etc

but using \I[x] code in Terms Tab. and the problem is that i cannot put that for options beacuse in Title screen will appear 2 icons instead of one

If the only way is set the customsheet icon in this plugin, well im using a custom iconSet with many many more icons and trying to set that the plugin seems cant read above a certain number of icon and they disappear in game

Hello, what you can try is to disable the title icons in the plugin parameters, then use the escape code \I[x] in front of all Title commands in dataBase Terms (New game, load game, etc...)

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i was thinking that , but how i can put an icon for the true continue in this case ? or i need to leave it xD

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Good point...  You could try to put the escape code directly in the 'True Continue Name' parameter, might work, otherwise an edit of the code will be required.
*if you try that, an additionnal \ (like '\\I[x]) will be required since the param is a string

you right! i didnt think about the true continue name.. haha what a fool i am its work! thanks

I feel like I'm doing something wrong because none of this is working for me.

Could you maybe try and make it compatible with SumRndmDde's ShakingText Plugin?

Hello! I've tried SRD Shaking Text Plugin and it will show the custom colors if my Plugin is above in the plugins manager. The only part that doesn't work is the gradient colors, SRD plugin will only show the second color of the gradient. This can't be fixed within my Plugin. Changes has to be made in SRD Plugin so it can call my plugin functions to use gradient colors.

Alrighty, thank you for the reply! =]

Best TextColorAddon plugin that can be used everywhere :D

Very nice!